Enjoying Mealtimes Without Phones

Our Mission

To pause from screens to inspire joy and community and remind us of all of the power of human connection during mealtimes. Across all cultures, sharing food has always been a part of human experiences linking us all together.

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Loneliness is now a public health crisis. Be a part of the solution. Sign up today and join us. Together, we can make a powerful change - use the #foodnotphones on social media and spread the word!

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What isWhat is #FoodNotPhones??
Shopper Insights:
The Role of Phones at the Dinner Table
Shopper Insights - The Role of Phones at the Dinner Table
  • Avoid random scrolling
  • Take pictures with your phone to commemorate the occasion
  • Talk. Laugh. Connect with those around you
  • Sign off of social media with “Time for dinner” #FoodNotPhones
  • Sign up and take the pledge
  • Feel obligated to turn off your phone entirely. Put it away for a short time
  • Stress. Just relax and enjoy your meal
  • Keep it in your pocket. If you can, put it out of sight and out of mind
  • Skip an opportunity to reconnect
  • Forget to sign up and take the pledge


Coming Soon!

Check back soon for more information.




Acosta Group
Fresh Direct
FMI Family Meals
Where the Food Comes From